Closed questions are marked automatically in TestVision. The expertise of assessors is required for open questions. For efficient assessment, the assessors are supported by workflow in TestVision.
Assessing and reassessing
Sometimes open questions are reviewed by two assessors. If assessments differ too much, TestVision will recognise this and prepare the relevant test for a (third) reassessment. The criterion for detecting these deviations can be configured, for example based on cut-off scores.
Feedback helps the candidate to enrich his knowledge. Feedback is even possible during testing.
TestVision feedback options:
- The teacher can provide individual feedback per item on open questions.
- The teacher can formulate feedback for closed questions beforehand, which is shown to the candidate during the test, after the test or when reviewing afterwards.
- Feedback can be formulated on the basis of a correct answer, a wrong answer or a partially correct answer – and based on the alternative answers.
- Study material references, hyperlinks, images, videos and tables can be incorporated in the feedback.
Results and analysis
Analysis & Learning analytics
TestVision is able to analyse the effectiveness and quality of a test at item level. The test system also includes Learning analytics. Management reports can be generated by selecting and combining information from the database. These are useful for accountability towards the customer or the client.
The export functionality allows for sharing of CSV and XML files, for example for processing in other applications.

Retrospective amendments
Even after assessment, it may be necessary to amend the scores for certain questions, either collectively or individually. Wrong answers might have to be marked as correct instead, or not count towards the score at all. It is easy to amend scores retrospectively in TestVision, And the same is true for the cut-off point.